Children are quick learners and they are very curious. A fast way to get your kid interested in the sciences is by allowing them to bask in the wonder of ...
Children are very active people. Not only do they always need something to keep their bodies occupied, but they also need activities to stimulate their minds ...
A tinker tray is a tray generally filled with loose parts or objects found around the house or environment. A tinker tray is filled with natural materials, ...
In 1970, the 2x2 Rubik’s Cube was invented by Larry Nichols and we are eternally grateful for his invention. Unlike the 3x3 cube, the 2x2 Rubik’s cube is ...
Hopscotch for kids is a very popular playground game. The game is majorly played by kids, and they play it by throwing/tossing around a small object/marker ...
Making a water filtration experiment is not as technical as it sounds. It can be made out of household items and will enlighten your children on how a ...
Children ask a lot of questions and it is good to answer some of those questions. However, answering kids’ questions should not happen all the time. This is ...
Children pick up things very fast. Their brains are on a constant prowl for new things to learn, especially when it appeals to them. A proactive parent uses ...
If you’re up to date on 2021 Walt Disney productions, then you must be familiar with the animation – Raya and the Last Dragon. The movie was incredibly ...
It is a well known fact that music has the best effect on people. But do you know the awesome benefits of music for babies brain development? Yes, the benefit ...