Children pick up things very fast. Their brains are on a constant prowl for new things to learn, especially when it appeals to them. A proactive parent uses this to their advantage and create activities that is geared towards the mind feeding of their kid(s). One of such activities is Do It Yourself toilet paper roll crafts.
Engaging your child in toilet paper roll crafts like Castle of toilet paper rolls is beneficial in so many ways. It is extremely fun so it will not be a problem getting your child to participate. More importantly, it facilitates emotional, mental, and social growth in your child which helps them develop into better adults.
Of course, building a castle of toilet paper is extremely helpful for your child’s development, however, one of the many perks is that it comes pretty cheap. Every month, we dispose of several rolls of toilet papers without really considering other ways we could recycle them. Well, the best way to use them is adding them to your child’s art supplies and challenging them to build a castle out of toilet papers. When you do this, sit back and watch your child’s imagination come alive.
Teaching Your Child How To Make a Castle of Toilet Paper Rolls
Like many DIY crafts, some of the secondary materials used are subject to individual style and choice. However, the primary materials are the same. For instance, the primary materials needed are glue, toilet paper tubes, cardstock paper, cone drinking cups, foam board, artificial grass mat, and cardboard square boxes. Your child can choose to add decorative pebbles, glitter, and spray to make their castle standout exactly how they want it to.
Step one
Wrap your cardboard square boxes in holiday papers or you can paint it to give it color. You can use a gift box or or tissue box for this.
Step two
Wrap your toilet paper tubes with the cardstock paper to match your cardboard square boxes, or you can use variety of colors if you want.
Step three
Use a pencil or marker to draw some details such as windows on the wrapped up toilet paper tubes.
Step four
Glue the cone drinking cups to the top of the TP tubes. This will give it that ‘castle’ look you want. For more effect, you can add some glitter to the cups before glueing them on the tubes.
Step five
Glue the artificial grass mat to the foam board.
Step six
Proceed to placing your boxes and towers on the foam board in whatever pattern you like.
Why Engage Your Child in Toilet Roll Crafts?
Involving your child in toilet paper roll crafts is a great way to let them express themselves. By building a TP castle, they’re expressing their thoughts and emotions in a safe space of their own making. They also learn how to think critically because the craft will present them with so many choices and they have to open up their minds to enable make favorable decisions. This is a mind feeding tactics that strengthen reasoning and helps them bring their thoughts to life.
Productivity and creativity is increased as well. Children are extremely imaginative and building and painting a castle of toilet paper rolls is a great way to help them turn their imagination to productivity by being creative.
3D Coloring Castle Puzzle
If left to develop on their own, many kids will grow to become barely average. It is the effort and time we pour into them as kids that suggests how they will turn out in the future. Feeding the mind of your child is extremely important for all the many reasons you’ve just learnt. And luckily, that can be done with simple things such as making a castle of toilet paper rolls.